Sunday, December 6, 2009

:: THE HALF ::

This month I visted the Lowry in Manchester to document the exhibition that tied into our current project. The exhibition featured portraits taken over 20 years by Simon Annand, and showed me an insight into the lives of actors that would otherwise be very personal and private affair. Each photo was taken as the actor spends there time in their West End dressing rooms, preparing to go on stage during 'The Half' - the last half-hour before curtain-up.
I don't own these images and urge you to visit the exhibition. You can visit Simon's website here and purchase a copy of his book.


Hey there, and welcome to my sparkly new blog. Here I hope to keep you informed of my creative creations and if you're very good, I may even treat you to other works by some of the best out there. I'm currently studying in Manchester in the subject of Design & Art Direction. Here's hoping you like the blog and please feel free to make comments. Enjoy!